You Know, They Don't Know, Ya Know.

As a species, we do not have the ability to read minds.

That is a fact.

So, why is it that, in relationships, we think other people should be able to read our minds?

No, he does not know what you are thinking.

No, she does not know what you mean.

No, you don’t know what they are going to say, or do at any particular moment.

Stop assuming and start asking.


Yes, I am pointing at you…. And at me.

C’mon, we have all done it.

We assume what someone else is thinking.

And then we react as if they had already said or done something.

Then they get upset because you reacted to something that they did not do.

It is very confusing and annoying.

Instead of blind reactions to imagined circumstances, how about you try asking?

“Well, he should know…” He doesn’t. So, ask if and clarify.

“She’s just gonna…” Maybe she won’t. Why not check before you react.

We all know the old axiom …

“Never ASSUME, because it makes an ASS out of U and ME.”

You can always expect a certain person will do a certain thing based on past experience.

But that is more of a gamble than you might realize.

What if you are wrong?

This expectation can keep you from deeper understandings and cause a lot of miscommunication in the long run.

Clarify, ask, check in, verify.

Never blindly assume.

If you can read someone’s mind, then you are definitely an advanced evolved human.

But for the rest of us, it’s best to understand that our partners cannot read ours.

And act accordingly.

PS - If you would like to dive in Deep and see the Relationship Matrix full on and FAST - Then let’s get on a call together and unravel all the unknowns with a...


In 90 minutes we will:

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*You will be Renewed, Energized, and Inspired for Relationship Success on all fronts - business, life, and love!

You will have a DEEP understanding of yourself and how you CONNECT with others in your life.

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After our powerful 90-minute session,  you will definitely see things differently, and be on your way to a successful life full of amazing relationships in all areas.

The time to save a relationship is BEFORE it needs saving!