Space: The Final Frontier

Star Date 2020.

It seems the world has lost its mind.

People have been thrust out of their ordinary routines, their rhythms upset, forced to live side by side in close proximity for long periods of time with people whom they love, yet might drive them crazy in full doses.

Everything is fubar, upside down, covered in tribble poop.

Yet there is hope.

There is a light at the end of the tunnel.


This crazy 2020 pandemic-a-thon has really taken its toll on relationships.

Divorce is up.

Domestic violence is up.

Dating is almost non-existent outside of the virtual world.

The stress and strain is obvious.

But the ROOT causes of the distress have always been there in every relationship.

Much like alcohol and money, the pandemic just amplifies who you really are.

Is your relationship with your spouse and family really strong? Then, no worries, this craziness will bring you all closer.

Are your relationships suffering from inconsistencies, unspoken feelings, lapsed boundaries, miscommunication, and more? Then the wheels could fly off at any moment.

It is time to focus on what is important.

As we have discussed in the past blog posts, having a SAFE time and place set aside to discuss every day stresses and release them helps a ton.

But sometimes, we just need a little SPACE.

And that may be difficult when you are stuck in tight quarters.

So, here’s the tip…

Agree and set aside a space somewhere in your residence that is a REFUGE. Someplace where anyone can be alone for a few minutes and gather their thoughts, take a breath, and just be unbothered.

This is especially important if you have kids.

It doesn’t have to be a big space, and it doesn’t have to be a long time.

And it needs to be RESPECTED.

If someone says “I need to be alone!” they will have a place to go. And the other person MUST allow them to go, without pestering, following, nagging, or feeling hurt.


When someone gets to the point that they need to go to the safe quiet space, they are about to explode.

If they are cognizant enough to realize this, then the other partner must be cognizant enough to see it as well, and default to the agreement made when heads were cooler.

This way, many freak outs, arguments, shouting matches, and far worse can be avoided.

And the children get to see adults avoid aggressive and/or possibly violent confrontations.

Many of these angry moments can be avoided altogether and we will explore that in further posts.

For now, make like the USS Enterprise, Star Trek that shit, and seek out your SPACE.

PS - If you would like to dive in Deep and see the Relationship Matrix full on and FAST - Then let’s get on a call together and unravel all the unknowns with a...


In 90 minutes we will:

*Create a Crystal Clear Vision of the life YOU want. 

*Uncover Hidden Challenges that might be Sabotaging your Success.

*Show you how to become a Magnetizing Powerhouse.

*You will be Renewed, Energized, and Inspired for Relationship Success on all fronts - business, life, and love!

You will have a DEEP understanding of yourself and how you CONNECT with others in your life.

You’ll KNOW what you REALLY WANT from yourself, from others, and from life itself.

After our powerful 90-minute session,  you will definitely see things differently, and be on your way to a successful life full of amazing relationships in all areas.

The time to save a relationship is BEFORE it needs saving!