Screw The Bacon!

Behold the two parent household.

The father goes off to work in the corporate world.

The mother stays home and gets the 2.5 children off to school.

(And what class does the .5 kid actually attend?)

The man brings home the bacon.

Then the wife lovingly fries it up in a pan.

Yeah, that Leave It To Beaver shit ain’t that simple anymore, is it.


Families are structured in all kinds of ways these days.

The old fashioned dynamic is still around, sure, but holding fast to that particular set up can lead to some tension and fractures.


Some would call it “Toxic Masculinity.”

Well, I don’t know about all that, but I do know that men want to be men.

They want to provide for their families.

If they cannot, what does that say about them?

That all depends on what they do about it.

Are they a team player, or are they just going to beat themselves up about it and cause a rift?

You see, it does not matter who brings home the bacon, nor who fries it up in a pan!

Your relationship is an entity unto itself.

You are a TEAM.

Prime example, my wife is paying most of the bills right now.

I cook, clean, father, create, write, speak, do dishes, and work on my projects.

Does that make me less of a man? NOPE.

There were a few years there where I was paying all the bills while she got her business up and running.

Now it is my turn.

I do not feel emasculated.

If I were sitting on the couch in my underwear, watching the Kardashians, being a sloppy lazy schmuck,  while she was doing all the work, then yes, I would probably be exhibiting the traits of an emasculated man child.

But I am busting my ass too. Just in a different way.

A way that contributes to the advancement of our FAMILY as a whole.

We are a TEAM. And I am a player.

Same thing goes for your team.

If a man is feeling “less than” it may cause tension.

That’s okay, just don’t sweep it under the rug.

Have a chat, share what’s goin on, deal with it.

It doesn’t make him less of a man.

A family, a TEAM, has many players, the goal is the same.

So, screw the bacon!

It’s okay if she brings home the bacon, and you fry it up. It’s still frickin tasty.

I mean, c’mon, it’s bacon.

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