Teeell Her About It! Every Day Before Ya Leeeave.

Today is a special day!

The day this blog post comes out will be the 6th wedding Anniversary for me and my amazing wife, Kimberly.

October 4, 2020.

I will most definitely tell her that I love her on that day.

AND I should tell her every day. Which I do.

It’s good for her, good for me, and great for our relationship.

Let me break it down for ya.

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First off, this is not a one way thing. Both partners should be vocal about their feelings consistently.

This is a simple reaffirming of contentment and dedication to each other.

If you think that, well, they KNOW how I feel, I don’t have to TELL them all the time,

You would be mistaken.

It does not matter what your Love Language is.

The feeling should be expressed.


It’s like if you are a ship at sea, and the captain asks the first mate what the heading is every 15 minutes.

He wants to check if they are on course. He doesn’t have to, but he checks anyway.

He could just assume that they are headed in the right direction.

When they arrive in Taiwan instead of Sydney, is the wrong time to ask if they are on course.

Telling your partner how you feel regularly is just a check in that you are heading in the right direction together.

And who doesn’t like to be told that they are loved, wanted, cherished, adored, and appreciated?!?

If you have to ask yourself if you are letting them know how you feel, then you probably are not doing it enough.

If you don’t know, just ask them.

I’ll bet they will happily let you know if they would like more loving words.

PS - If you would like to dive in Deep and see the Relationship Matrix full on and FAST - Then let’s get on a call together and unravel all the unknowns with a...


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