6 Minutes, Dougie Fresh, Yer On. Uh Uh On.

Okay, well it doesn’t have to be 6 minutes exactly.

Let’s go with 5 minutes and call it even, shall we?

5 minutes for what, you ask?

5 minutes to save your marriage.

This is how long it takes to clear your head and your energy before you engage your family.

That’s it. 5 minutes = happy and healthy family.

Here’s how it works.

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Let’s say you are in a typical traditional good old fashioned ‘Merican family situation - the husband goes off to work (hunting and gathering) and the wife stays at home with the kids.

Chances are now both partners work, but I’m using this as an example only.

So, the Hubs is out and about, working hard, logging hours, putting out fires, crackin skulls, and bringin home the bacon.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, SuperWife is also working hard, logging hours, putting out fires, crackin skulls, and warming a pan for the bacon.

Both partners have lots going on all day long. They both have stresses, emotional swings, and could almost always use a little extra help.

But for now, we are focusing on the partner that leaves the cave for the hunting/gathering and clubbing wooly mammoths. We’ll discuss the other side in the next post.

While the Hubs is out and about, bustin his buns for his family, he is in “Business” mode. He is not quite the same man he needs to be at home.

Different environments require different energies.

Your “HOME” energy is usually different from your “BUSINESS” energy.

The energy required at work, can backfire if applied at home.

If you treat your wife like you treat some of your employees or colleagues at work, you might just find that nice warm pan she has ready for the bacon, wrapped lovingly around your cranium.

So, here is the 5 minute solution.

When you come home from the hunt, you must make a SHIFT in your energy, before you walk into your home.

That means, that when you pull in, take 5 minutes to relax and RELEASE the negative energy that has built up throughout the day.

If you do not release it; you will bring all that tension, stress, anger, resentment, etc. directly into your home and it will all be focused on your wife and kids.

If you want a happy home, this is an unacceptable scenario. And it is 100% in YOUR power to fix it.

Set your timer and take 5 minutes to take slow deep breaths in and out. Maybe get out of your car and do some light stretches - touch your toes, maybe do some slow squats, mainly just reeeeelaaaaax!

Then visualize all the stress of the day and negativity floating away, or slipping off you like water off a ducks back, maybe you curl it all up in a ball and throw it in the trash can.

Do whatever works for you.

And here’s the kicker. Once you are in that relaxed place and have sloughed off all the negative work gunk, it’s time for the gratitude.

Focus your happiness, your thanks, and gratitude for this family, this home, this wife (or partner), and whatever else you can find to be grateful for (there is a LOT).

As you go through this quick little meditation on clearing and giving thanks, your energy will shift immensely.

When you walk in that door, you are no longer a negative force of tension from the day, you are now an uplifting member of the family, worth welcoming and loving rather than some ogre that needs to be feared and avoided.

It may take a little while for the family to notice the shift. No worries, we will talk about that in later posts.

But for now, you do your part. And the rest will take care of itself.

PS - If you would like to dive in Deep and see the Relationship Matrix full on and FAST-

Then let’s get on a call together and unravel all the unknowns with a


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The time to save a relationship is BEFORE it needs saving!