Reluctant Hero's Journey — Spike Spencer

The Reluctant Hero’s Journey

Become the HERO of your own story.


What if you were Strong?

What if you were Confident?

What if you felt good about YOU?


Have you ever felt LOST? Have ever felt UNHEARD?

Have you ever BACKED DOWN, when you wanted to SPEAK UP?

Do you just want to FEEL GOOD about YOURSELF?

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It’s your time to become the HERO of YOUR story.

Confidence. Power. Self-Esteem. Love. Happiness. These things do not come from the outside world.

They come from WITHIN.

There is INFINITE POWER residing inside of you. It is up to you to DECIDE to UNLEASH it.


I gotta tell you, Spike, that I’ve never received any kind of coaching anywhere close to, or even vaguely reminiscent of what you’re putting out. Where has this been my whole life?
— George Delorean

The Reluctant Hero’s Journey is a FELLOWSHIP.

(Yeah, like Lord of the Rings, without the stinkin orcs)

It is a family of like minded friends, who are on a quest to improve every part of their life, take the helm of their destiny, and become the strong person they always wanted to be. We are in this together.

💥Receive GUIDANCE from me with monthly live online videos,

💥Enjoy weekly ADVENTURE challenges to take your life to the next level.

💥Make FRIENDS with FELLOW HEROES slaying their inner demons.

💥💥💥PLUS! An Amazing Benefit - I do my Mindscrambler Podcast live. I will have interviews with some pretty big names. When I interview them, I do it INSIDE THE GROUP. And YOU get to meet them. The only people that can watch LIVE and ask questions of my guests are MEMBERS OF THIS GROUP! - Non members only get the replay.

Spike encourages us to go inside of ourselves to discover our own uniqueness, our own special gifts that make each of us who we are. Often we don’t fit into a mold or profile that others may have for us, but rather we have our own unique energy that radiates who we are. In short, Spike reinforces that...
— R Bruce Elliott, and Victoria Jones


 🍀Acquire tools you can use NOW to communicate better, IMPROVE your relationships, and EXPAND your circle of influence.

 🍀The ability to grow STRENGTH and CONFIDENCE in who you are and STAND UP for yourself and your ideas.

 🍀Understand and enforce your own personal boundaries, take CONTROL of the direction that YOU will take your life.

 🍀Enjoy the CAMARADERIE of fellow travelers on the road to greatness and success in your life.

 🍀ENJOY life and see the future as EXCITING and LIMITLESS! Because IT IS!

All of this for only $19 a month!

And right now, you only pay $1 for the first month! Cancel any time ya like. (Not that you would do something so silly, of course…)

Imagine walking confidently into a room, being able to stand up for yourself when you feel bullied, and cultivating an unshakable belief in yourself, knowing that you have incredible inner power, and a fellowship that’s got your back.

And there is absolutely no risk. If you don’t love our journey together, you can cancel at any time with no commitment, and no high fees. But, if you cancel, you’ll lose access to the community, kinda like if you cancel Netflix, you don’t get to watch the shows anymore. And should you like to re-enroll, you’ll have to wait until we open again…at a higher price.

This is the only time, that we will offer this program at such a low price. You have an opportunity NOW to lock in your membership at the above price FOR LIFE for less than a couple fancy cups of coffee. It’s a no-brainer.


And only $1 for the first month! Cancel any time you want. But you won’t want to.

The reluctant heroes are not only a lot of little challenges that will help you become a better person. And you’ll make all kinds of friendships with people from all over the world. I feel bringing people together is one of the most rewarding things a person can do. Spike has been changing lives with these easy challenges. It has changed me and can change you can too.
— Chris Argiz

meet your coach

Spike Spencer talks goofy for a living… Seriously.

Spike Spencer is an internationally recognized, award winning voice actor and speaker, and the a Master Trainer on Relationship Sales Dynamics™ - skyrocketing success in business and dating/relationships at the same time up to 300%. He is an author, certified Neuro-Lingusistic Programming (NLP) coach, and a certified B.A.N.K.™ Personality Sales Trainer.

In the business world, Spike brings insights from over 20 years in the real estate investment world. He has flipped, wholesaled, landlorded, and managed millions of dollars worth of single family and multi family apartments. Using the Clear-Connect-Close strategies of his Relationship Sales Dynamics™ training, he helps entrepreneurs become more successful from the inside out.

Spike was also featured in a Netflix docu-series called “Being Dad,” from Chicken Soup for the Soul.

Spike helps successful high achievers become highly successful in their relationships. Spike has written for Neil Strauss, Men's Health, Your Tango, Singles Warehouse UK (Dating Expert),, Carlos Xuma, and more. Through his fun dating/relationships website,, Spike is helping guys become better MEN, constantly improving themselves, and communicating with women; utilizing cooking, food, travel, humor and adventure as the medium. He is also the author of "FoodGame™ - A Man’s Ultimate Recipe For Dating Success."

Yes, I know the dates on this film below are not correct. But dayum, what a great video, right?!?